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Homeowner & Commercial Property Insurance Claims

Business Property & Income
Insurance Claims

Natural disasters not only cause damage to your building but can interrupt your business operations leaving you fearful of your future. It is critical to present your loss of income correctly to get full compensation for your loss of revenue. Let us take care of the insurance company for your so you can focus on getting back in business.

Hurricane Insurance Claims

Hurricanes can be devastating to your home, your contents, and your life. We have the experience to help you navigate the process and get you on the road to recovery.

Fire Damage Insurance Claims

Losing everything to house fire is devastating. We will work with you every step of the way to make sure the insurance company pays you everything you are entitled to.​

Tornado Damage
Insurance Claims

Tornadoes can be absolutely devastating. If your tornado claim has been denied or underpaid, we are here to help.

Wind Damage Insurance Claims

Windstorms can cause severe damage to your property. Typical damage includes blown off shingles and fallen trees on your property, which often causes hidden damage.

Hail Damage Insurance Claims

Many insurance companies deny or greatly underpay hail damage claims. We are here to help you deal with your claim

Homeowner & Commercial Property Insurance Claims For The State of Florida

Homeowner's and commercial property insurance both have the intention of offering protection for you if you suffer any kind of loss because of unforeseen property damage, including storm damage, natural disasters, or other damaging events. While the insurance company should honor any valid insurance claim, insurers do not always operate in the best interest of their customers, and people need the help of an experienced Florida property insurance claims attorney.

While insurance companies should protect their clients in most situations, the bottom lines of these companies often take precedence, and claims either see denials or lowball offers that do not provide sufficient coverage. You do not have to accept these outcomes, and you have the right to retain legal counsel to help secure a payment that actually covers your losses.

Common Problems with Homeowner and Commercial Property Insurance Claims

Insurance companies turn to a number of tactics that help reduce what they pay out and keep their profits high. Some of the most common things an insurer might do can include:

  • Unreasonable delays in handling a claim
  • Categorizing the damage as beyond the scope of a policy
  • Blaming damage on factors not included in policy coverage
  • Conducting inadequate investigations into the damage
  • Offering lackluster settlements

Florida requires an insurance company to acknowledge receipt of a property damage claim within 14 days. The insurer then has to give you information about what it will need to proceed with the claim and instructions about how to fill out claim forms.

When an insurance company accepts your claim, it has to reach a decision within 90 days of you opening the claim. After you arrive at a settlement, the insurance company will have 20 days to issue your first payment, and failure to do this can result in the insurer owing you the original settlement amount and 12 percent interest per year.

Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Consultation with a Florida Homeowners and Commercial Property Claims Attorney

Are you struggling to get approval for a homeowner's or commercial property claim in Florida? Make sure you speak to Diane Zimmerman, PA, about what legal options you might have.

Our firm serves clients throughout Florida. You can call 850.866.0833 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation so we can provide a free consultation and policy review while getting more facts about your case and outlining all of your legal options.

Contact Us Today

Diane Zimmerman, PA is committed to answering your questions about Homeowner & Commercial Property Insurance Claims in Florida and Georgia.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
