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Has Your Hurricane Ian Insurance Claim Been Denied?

Posted by Diane Zimmerman | Jan 24, 2023 | 0 Comments

Hurricane Ian was one of the costliest storms to ever hit Florida. In the wake of the storms, homeowners have suffered tens of billions of dollars in damages that they are expecting insurance companies to pay. The reality is far different when they actually file the claim and get an unexpected denial from the insurance company.

Insurance companies are commonly blaming the damage to homes on flooding. They have excluded flooding from these policies, requiring special flood insurance. These insurance companies are refusing to cover damages from storm surges, claiming that this is a form of flooding. They are also characterizing wind damage as flood damage to get them out of paying claims. Homeowners have been affected both by insurance companies' sinister tactics and a general lack of competence that stems from a lack of training and low investment in personnel.

The language of your policy controls your claims and not the insurance company's self-serving and unreasonable interpretation of what happened. You can go to court to get the money that you deserve, whether the insurance company has denied your claim completely or tried to underpay your damages. The last thing that you want to do while dealing with the aftermath of a severe storm is to fight with the insurance company. When you hire an experienced attorney, your lawyer will wage the battle for you, holding the insurance company accountable for an illegal denial of your claim. Florida courts have shown a willingness to grant you relief when you can prove that the facts and law are on your side.

Contact a Florida Property Casualty Attorney Today

Diane Zimmerman Law is the tough advocate that you need when you feel powerless in the face of the insurance company's tactics. To speak with an attorney, call us at 866.210.0446 or send us a message online.

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